Convington, LA 2008
"Finishing What We Started"In 2005, we had been planned a Blitz Build in Covington to take place that August. A few weeks before we were to start Katrina hit the Gulf, devastating the area. Hotels and flights were all being used by emergency personal and displaced families. Logistically, a full scale Blitz Build was not feasible so soon after the hurricane and we had to scale back our efforts. A select group of determined Blitz Home Builder volunteers still wanted to help when it was needed the most. They drove their own cars, vans and RVs down to Covington, and set up camp in the field behind the Habitat St. Tammany West main office. Over the next week, they camped out, helping the local affiliate however they could, and were able to build a house for a family in need. In 2008, once the area was rebuilding, the Blitz Home Builders decided they had some unfinished business in Covington. Then, more than ever, they needed our help with a full scale Blitz Build to provide homes for some very deserving families. In June of 2008, amid the humid southern climate, we built 3 homes in 7 days with the Habitat St. Tammany West affiliate. It was with much pleasure that we were able to finish what we had started back in 2005. Additional Photos and Media Coverage
Past BuildsA core group of volunteers has been building together since 1996 sponsored by Honeywell, and in 2004 the Blitz Home Builders began organizing our own builds to keep the tradition alive. Browse
August 2024